Thursday, September 15, 2011

Large Family Logistics

Just writing this post to tell of my love for the book Large Family Logistics by Kim Brennamen. It is changing my life. I have been totally changing the way this house gets run. For starters i have started getting up early. this is probably basic for most people but it has always been a struggle for me. I am able to see my husband for a few minutes before he leaves for work, read my Bible, start laundry, and have breakfast on the table when everyone gets up. this saves me from a lot of whining. Then I have been trying to take on the "days" method, where you designate a day each week to focus on a certain area. for me it's Monday-garden, Tuesday-laundry, Wednesday-office, Thursday-town, Friday-kitchen, Saturday-cleaning, Sunday-sabbath. so far this is working swimmingly! also i have started a deep cleaning rotation schedule. this seems to be so much more manageable than the elusive "spring cleaning" that never gets done in my house. it feels so good to get organized. i still have a long way to go but it's a start.
Canning is in full swing! I've already filled all of my quarts and i haven't even done applesauce yet. not being pregnant or nursing makes such a difference in my productivity. i have no excuse now.
homeschooling is in full swing and everyone seems to be enjoying it. but i would love some ideas on how to get a certain young man a little more motivated. (or a lot more motivated)
My Judah will be turning 4 next week! so here is a pic of his adorable self

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Been trying to get ready for next school year. it's coming so quickly! I need to order curriculum but i really don't feel like buying it. we have been doing Singapore math and we really love it. because of it math has become one of my kids favorite subjects. we also like rod and staff readers. but other than that we stick with a Charlotte mason method. We will be  loosely following the year 2 reading. We did year one last year and it was a lot of fun. Reading all the classic books is actually just as much fun for me as it is for them. I also need preschool ideas to keep Judah busy. he loves activities. we will also be involved in home school co-op, soccer, and the twins will hopefully start music lessons. it should be a very exciting semester.
 It really is nice having a summer break to help me realize how much i love homeschooling. it can be really hard and i have had many times when i felt like i wanted to give up but it really is so rewarding to see the kids learning and loving it.
so maybe i should go to bed but i feel like i have been getting so much done by staying up late at night. like right now. i actually posted twice tonight, cleaned the whole kitchen, sorted my sewing stuff, and scrubbed the tub. and it's only 10:45! imagine what i could accomplish in another 2 hours.  


woke up this morning and realized that i have so much canning to do! right now. peaches, dilly beans, pickles, and jams. and that's only this month! i do love summer and canning but it all comes down on me so fast.
Just received a 5 gallon bucket of green beans from my wonderful friends at 3 stones farm. So that means dilly beans tomorrow. or to sound cool "lacto-fermented green beans" ! So it feels good to finally get going on some canning. If i can get the van to the shop and keep the kids happy that is.
My kids always seem restless when we don't have a van. it's like they know we don't have the option of going anywhere and it drives them nuts. every day like this i realize how much more patience and love i need. it's just not in me. but i know God can supply it and He does. this is good work i am doing and he always gives me what i need to do it. sometimes i just need to ask.
Josh has been working his tail off lately trying to get the chicken coop done before these chickens start laying! He's an incredible husband.

Friday, July 8, 2011

trying to make a comeback

well i am trying to get back at this. i won't waste time by catching up on the past year and a half i'll just try to jump right in! (or it won't happen) Summer is proving to be much more trying than i thought it would. i waited so hopefully all winter and then it comes and brings the unexpected, lyme disease! something i didn't think people ever really got. now half of our family has it(including myself) and i am just trying not to worry myself to death. Fear has really been the worst. can it be chronic? will the meds really take care of it? how will i know if the babies get it? It's not good. i know i need to trust and it has been a constant struggle. I have prayed and demanded God to heal! now i see that i need to be patient and learn what i can through this experience. anyway this has been a huge part of our summer.
our 14 wonderful chickens are growing nicely and hopefully we will get a coop built soon. i need to get a camera so i can post pics! until then you can just imagine 12 very cute hens and 2 lovely cockerels!

Friday, March 26, 2010

the babies are here!


                   well they are here as i'm sure most of you already know.  it's been a crazy but wonderful 2 weeks. new babies are such an amazing blessing. i've been trying to enjoy every moment of this time. we waited and worried and prayed for months and now they are here and all we hoped for has come. As i was up last night trying to get the babies to sleep i was struck by how precious these babies are. And i felt so encouraged by how God has brought them to us and also has given us everything we need to care for them and to help them thrive. I don't need to just "get through" these next few months but we can truly enjoy them. God really has all we need. It really has been amazing seeing God work through the pregnancy and He hasn't stopped now that they are here. we've had a few tough times and i have really worried that i may not be able to do this. Every time i get to that point and i start to pray God shows me a way or causes both babies to fall asleep so i can get some rest. It really seems to be immediate answers! He is being very merciful to me in this time.

                          Josh went back to work wednsday and i have to say i was very worried but it has been very good. Thursday the babies must have been having a growth spurt b/c they were nursing non-stop. I only got off the couch to feed the other children and go to the bathroom. it wasn't easy but i was able to get through without feeling completly discouraged and God had mercy on me that evening when i was able to have a really great night of sleep. There have been so many examples of God's love and mercy during this time.
I am so thankful for all of this and am so glad for where God has brought me. this isn't a life i would have chosen for myself but it's way better than anything i could have imagined.
on a side note, where is the spell check around here? i could really use that. sorry about the horrible punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Baby time's a comin!

Well it has been an interesting few days. Friday had a Dr. appointment and we were told our little girl isn't growing anymore. she has been at about 6lbs. for several weeks now.  this was pretty worrisome to us. the dr. said she isn't in any distress but that it may be better to get them out sooner than later. Our son is having no problems and measuring in at over 8lbs!  So the midwife came in and stripped my membranes in hopes of getting my labor started.  this is not something i would want done again. OUCH! then they sent me home with an appointment for monday so we can make a plan to get these babies out. This was all very stressful for me especially because i had to be there alone. So now I am home waiting for labor to start and we have had nothing yet. My babies don't want to come out yet. It's so funny how we wanted so much for them to stay in and now they can't get out fast enough! So then on top of it all I have a nasty cold that is wiping me out! So josh worked a half day sat and I was able to sleep all day. which is why it's 4:45 Am and i can't sleep. I am definetly feeling better and just trying not to be anxious about the babies. But thinking about it definetly is keeping me up.
I am very thankful though for all God has done through this pregnancy. He has been so faithful in answering our prayers in a very real way. continuing to remind myself this is the best thing for me. can't wait to meet these little ones.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Time is ticking away

                 Sometimes when i'm pregnant it seems like it will never end but this time seems like it is going by way too fast. We are definetly prepared as much as you can be. Sometimes I don't think it has really sunk in for us yet. We are getting ready to welcome 2 babies into our house, again. Whenever I have the time to think about it I go through a myriad of emotions. A little scared. Or I guess just worried that i may not be able to handle it all. Excited! Excited that i have been blessed with these babies . But then when I stop I mostly feel at peace about it and looking forward to what is to come.
                I am almost 34 weeks and thats as far as I made it with the first twins. I am praying to make it even one more week past that (hopefully more).  but either way the babies will be here very soon. I can't wait to meet them. And of course the other children are so excited too.
               I'm starting to feel HUGE! i mean it this is not just me having low self-esteem or something, i am huge! her is a fun Photo to prove it to you!

Yep and that was over 2 weeks ago! I'm even bigger now! scares me just a little to see how big i can get. oh well this is all such a fun adventure.